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School History
Blanchard Elementary was established in January 2000, when the two former schools of May Greene and Washington were joined. It serves PreK-4 students with a population of about 300. We have three to four classrooms per grade level with a staff of approximately 50.
On December 6, 2011, tragedy struck our school in the form of a fire. A workroom was completely destroyed, and smoke and water damage affected every classroom in the building. Our loving friends at Lynwood Baptist Church welcomed us for two months while reconstruction took place. In addition to the heroic fire fighters and countless community volunteers, they will forever be in our hearts.
Blanchard students and staff are a hard working bunch who work diligently to maintain our five star rating. Blanchard strives to be a school that lives up to the honor of our namesake, Barbara Blanchard, and that makes our community proud.
Welcome to Blanchard, "The School with a Heart!"
We invite you to take part in your child's education. Studies show that students do better in school when parents take an active role in the students' education. In order to allow parents to participate with us while keeping the children safe, it is our policy that the parents need to check in at the office and wear a "visitor" badge while on the property. This allows teachers to easily identify those who should be present while not allowing strangers to be among the students. Please sign out when leaving the premises. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this easy step that helps to keep all students safe.
Barbara Blanchard Elementary
1829 North Sprigg St.
Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701